Original Composition Awards Division II
DESCRIPTION Open to Graduate and Alumni Members
- Class A: Large-scale works: No time limit
- Class B: Any form for instrument(s) or voice(s): up to six minutes in length.
- Only unpublished works may be submitted. Composers of songs and choral works must indicate that they have secured permission from authors of texts. No composition may be submitted which has won a prize (honorable mention excepted) in this or any other contest.
- No more than one manuscript in each class may be submitted by a contestant.
- Composers of winning works will be obligated to furnish Mu Phi Epsilon with a hard copy archival score to be placed in the Mu Phi Epsilon library.
- Past winners are ineligible to re-apply.
REQUIREMENTS Required Materials Checklist:
- Current resume
- Statement of Mu Phi Epsilon participation
- Most recent unofficial college transcript
- Narrative about the composition
- PDF of the full score
- Recording of the composition (live is preferred, midi is acceptable)
- Two current letters of recommendation
- $25 Application Fee
Please note that there will be no return of application fee for incomplete and disqualified applications.
Questions? For general inquiries about Mu Phi Epsilon grants and scholarships, please contact [email protected]. For questions about this particular award, please contact the appropriate scholarship chair. All applicants must be dues-paying members in good standing. If you cannot log in to access the application, please contact [email protected].