Professional Development Grant


Up to $2,000 to cover expenses related to a professional development opportunity (e.g., conference, workshop, etc.). May not be used for Mu Phi Epsilon International Convention or District Conference. One or more grants available.


Required Materials Checklist:
  1. Current resume
  2. Statement of Mu Phi Epsilon participation
  3. Most recent unofficial college transcript
  4. Brochure or link to website highlighting professional development opportunity/conference
  5. Statement of goals as relates to the professional development opportunity/conference
  6. A detailed budget
  7. Two current letters of recommendation
  8. $25 Application Fee
Please note that there will be no return of application fee for incomplete and disqualified applications.

November 1


Questions? For general inquiries about Mu Phi Epsilon grants and scholarships, please contact [email protected]. For questions about this particular award, please contact the appropriate scholarship chair. All applicants must be dues-paying members in good standing. If you cannot log in to access the application, please contact [email protected].